What is this Plan? From the NYS Department of Health
The Chautauqua Lake Communities (CLC), comprised of the Village of Mayville, Chautauqua Water District #2, and Chautauqua Utility District, is fully dependent on Chautauqua Lake and two groundwater wells for their drinking water. It is crucial to implement the identified strategies of protection for current and future generations. In July 2021 the CLC began participation in New York State’s Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) to create a tailored, locally developed DWSP2 Plan. The CLC was paired with a Technical Assistance Provider (TA Provider) from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to develop their DWSP2.
The work began with assessing current and future water quality concerns of the CLC sources of drinking water. In preparation of the DWSP2 plan, the CLC stakeholder group provided local knowledge of the current conditions of their source water as well as some of their concerns regarding water quality. Together, the stakeholders and the TA provider interpreted water data, developed maps, identified potential sources of contamination, developed an actionable list of protection methods, and identified funding and partnership opportunities. The CLC now has a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation plan that can be used to promote public health and safety, explore future sources, avoid preventable drinking water treatment costs, increase community confidence in drinking water, and strengthen community partnerships.
Working together the stakeholders and the TA provider compiled a list of current and future potential concerns regarding their drinking water sources based on available data and updated mapping. The following list includes potential contaminant sources of priority that may impact the quality of the drinking water sources, if improperly managed.
The Chautauqua Lake Communities (CLC), comprised of the Village of Mayville, Chautauqua Water District #2, and Chautauqua Utility District, is fully dependent on Chautauqua Lake and two groundwater wells for their drinking water. It is crucial to implement the identified strategies of protection for current and future generations. In July 2021 the CLC began participation in New York State’s Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) to create a tailored, locally developed DWSP2 Plan. The CLC was paired with a Technical Assistance Provider (TA Provider) from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to develop their DWSP2.
The work began with assessing current and future water quality concerns of the CLC sources of drinking water. In preparation of the DWSP2 plan, the CLC stakeholder group provided local knowledge of the current conditions of their source water as well as some of their concerns regarding water quality. Together, the stakeholders and the TA provider interpreted water data, developed maps, identified potential sources of contamination, developed an actionable list of protection methods, and identified funding and partnership opportunities. The CLC now has a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation plan that can be used to promote public health and safety, explore future sources, avoid preventable drinking water treatment costs, increase community confidence in drinking water, and strengthen community partnerships.
Working together the stakeholders and the TA provider compiled a list of current and future potential concerns regarding their drinking water sources based on available data and updated mapping. The following list includes potential contaminant sources of priority that may impact the quality of the drinking water sources, if improperly managed.
- Fertilizer and pesticide application in sensitive areas
- Herbicide application inside the Chautauqua Lake
- Harmful Algal Blooms in Chautauqua Lake
- Nutrient loading
- Regulated potential contaminant sources, including bulk storage facilities, oil and gas wells, and SPDES discharge.
A public informational meeting coming soon! The date will be published and announced once finalized. |